Three Depots Celebrated Applaud Events in December
Pictured above is MLA Jamie Kleinsteuber, Top left with the staff of Beddington Bottle Depot
2018 School Program is now Open!
Alberta Depot is proud to announce the launch of it’s 2018/2019 School Program! Join “The Recyclers” as they teach elementary school students about the benefits of beverage container recycling through...
The Great Prairie Bottle Harvest – that’s a wrap!
The biggest bottle drive in Alberta has officially closed and was a great success!
Leduc Bottle Depot Praised by Applaud Winner
The Leduc Bottle Depot received warm praise as one of their customers was the most recent draw winner in the Applaud a Depot program.
The Great Prairie Bottle Harvest
The biggest bottle drive in Alberta kicks off this October as a fun and easy way for everyone in our province to get involved in raising funds for causes they...
Applauds for Drumheller Bottle Depot
The Applaud a Depot draw for August was won by a customer of the Drumheller Bottle Depot.
The Great Alberta Bottle Hunt Helps Fund Scout Troop #36’s Big Adventure
The Great Alberta Bottle Hunt, an Alberta Depot sponsored event held on June 9th, caught the attention of many communities and non-profit organizations across Calgary and Edmonton.